Wadi Rum

     When visiting Wadi Rum, it is like visiting a fictional land. It is a large expanse of silence, timeless and utter beauty. It is a main tourist attraction for Jordan due to it being one of the most amazing desertscapes in the world. It is a little bit more of a drive from Amman being at the south of the country, however close to the Dead Sea so a trip there could also be incorporated into your plan. Vast amounts of pink and red coloured sand until you meet a big dark mass of rock. Rising vertically out of the sand, they separate one part of the desert to another. These rocks have been weathered over time meaning there are unusual shapes created on the rock face capturing your imagination into creatures and animals. There is sufficient evidence of man’s activity with scattered flint handle axes and ancient travellers’ names engraved into the rock. Until you visit Wadi Rum you just don’t realise how big the world is and what real silence feels like. The area lies a good 900 meters above sea level. The rocks add to this figure by another 500 metres making Jabal Rum peak the second highest peak in Jordan. Exploring Wadi rum suits both types of person. Keen hikers will we climbing up the steep slopes and hills while more casual walkers can just enjoy the canyons and vibrant hills around them. In the summer do not miss out on the unforgettable 4x4 jeep tours and also hot air balloon flights which are truly amazing experiences.

Camel Tours in Wadi Rum

    Camels are said to be one of the most interesting animals on the planet with them actually having three eyelids and 2 sets of eyelashes to prevent sand from entering their eyes. If not for camels then life as a Bedouin would have been virtually impossible. They are sometimes referred to as the ships of the desert. Travelling through the desert is what it all centres upon for Bedouin people. However, life can be hard in the hot, arid conditions and for any linger treks you may like to do, be aware that it can sometimes get quite sore. Normally the longer or even full day treks start at around 9 am or 10 am with the shorter treks available anytime throughout the day usually starting and terminating in the Rum village. You can even combine different tours together along with the shorter 3-hour camel tours which can be a great way to get a taster of both worlds. These tours can be combined with an overnight stay if preferred. Do also bear in mind that if you are English then the Camel tour guides tend to speak less English than the other e.g. Jeep and hiking. The pace of travelling buy camel is very different to that when travelling by Jeep. It is thought to be a more relaxing way to travel and can truly immerse you in traditional life. However, the shorter camel tour will just give you a taste of what it feels like to ride a camel and will stop off at some important sites that will be of interest along the way.

Jeep Tours in Wadi Rum

    The Jeep tours in Wadi Rum are very much similar to the camel tours. You can either carry out a one-day tour or decide to do the overnight stay. They begin at around 9 am or 10 am and finish at the end of the day at approximately 4 pm. The Jeep tour can be combined with the camel tours too to make an action-packed full day with a little more variety. If you have a specific need then the tours will surely try their best to cater for this. The best thing about the Jeep tours that differs from the Camel tours is the amount of ground you cover. This means that you will be able to see more sights on your trip than you would be able to if you were to go by camel. Also, the tour can be tailored for your specific trip. If you are going there looking for some excitement and fun, then they can scramble and jump. However, if you would prefer to have a more relaxed and calmer journey sightseeing, then they also accommodate for this too. The sights they visit can be up to you to a certain extent. If you would prefer not to see some that you may have already seen, then you can just ask, and they will happily fulfil your needs. The positive feedback that both the Jeep and camel tours get is unbelievable. Just about everyone who decides to go on the adventure comes back wanting to do it all over again!

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