

Taking a trip south of Amman will lead you along a 5000 years old highway passing through ancient sites, which is something you must do in Jordan. The first site you will arrive at is Madaba or otherwise known as the ‘City of Mosaics’. The reason for it being given this name is because underneath almost every house lies a mosaic making Madaba so unique. A lot of these mosaics are now on display in Madaba’s museum after being excavated, however, archaeologists believe that there are many more yet to be found. The main attraction therefore in the town is a mosaic map dating back to the 6th century ranging from Jordan and Palestine in the north to Egypt in the south. There are hundreds of other mosaics too which can be found in churches and homes showing pictures of birds, fish and animals as well as fishing, farming and hunting which are also very beautiful too. Madaba history is very long dating back too BC. Just after 0 BC in the 1st century the Nabateans governed the city and then during the Roman era, it became a strong and flourishing town supported by a well-built wall around its perimeter. In 747 AD Madaba became ruins due to it being hit by an earthquake. It remained like this for 1000 years until about 1880 when thousands of Christians who had come from Al-Karak travelled to settle here. They rebuilt the city and during this process, they find the mosaics underneath the rubble.

The City Maps

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